"LILY" was a massively successful short film written and directed by Graham Cantwell. It traveled the world and earned many awards for the creators as well as the acting talent. Its lead theme bullying is a wide spread issue, one that isn't often tackled in film form, and so it was no surprise to me when Graham decided to explore it further in a feature length film.
He and the power duo Ray Sisters, who served as DOPs (check them out here: http://www.raysisters.com/), completed the principal photography in early 2019. I was brought on as a stills photographer and had the pleasure to watch the film being made.
When the time came to do some pick-ups and shoot additional scenes, we were in the throws of the pandemic, and due to the Covid quarantine requirements it was not feasible for the production to proceed with the original DOPs. With their blessing, I was brought on to do the re-shoots, and spent five days in early and late October 2020 working with Graham and a limited crew under strict Covid safety guidelines. The short break between the fist and second lockdown in Dublin allowed us to grab what we needed, and I am still amazed we pulled it off.
Here are a few behind the scenes shots. I cannot wait to see the result, and hope I did the Ray Sisters justice.
Stay tuned.